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the practice of medicine

  • 1 practice

    1) (the actual doing of something, as opposed to the theory or idea: In theory the plan should work, but in practice there are a lot of difficulties.) práctica
    2) (the usual way(s) of doing things; (a) habit or custom: It was his usual practice to rise at 6.00 a.m.) costumbre
    3) (the repeated performance or exercise of something in order to learn to do it well: She has musical talent, but she needs a lot of practice; Have a quick practice before you start.) entrenamiento, ejercicio
    4) (a doctor's or lawyer's business: He has a practice in Southampton.) consultorio, gabinete, bufete; clientela
    - make a practice of
    - put into practice

    practice n práctica
    I haven't played for a long time, I need practice hace mucho tiempo que no juego, me hace falta práctica
    1 (repeated exercise) práctica; (training) entrenamiento; (rehearsal) ensayo
    2 (action, reality) práctica
    3 (custom, habit) costumbre nombre femenino
    1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL→ link=practise practise{
    practice makes perfect la práctica hace al maestro
    to be in practice (doctor) ejercer la medicina 2 (lawyer) ejercer la abogacía
    to make a practice of doing something tener como norma hacer algo
    to put something into practice poner algo en práctica, llevar algo a la práctica
    teaching practice prácticas nombre femenino plural de magisterio
    practice or practise ['præktəs] vt, - ticed or - tised ; - ticing or - tising
    1) : practicar
    he practiced his German on us: practicó el alemán con nosotros
    to practice politeness: practicar la cortesía
    2) : ejercer
    to practice medicine: ejercer la medicina
    1) use: práctica f
    to put into practice: poner en práctica
    2) custom: costumbre f
    it's a common practice here: por aquí se acostumbra hacerlo
    3) training: práctica f
    4) : ejercicio m (de una profesión)
    costumbre s.f.
    ejercicio s.m.
    ensayo s.m.
    estudio s.m.
    práctica s.f.
    uso s.m.
    adiestrar v.
    ejercitar v.
    ensayar v.
    practicar v.
    'præktəs, 'præktɪs
    1) u (training, repetition) práctica f

    piano practiceejercicios mpl de piano

    target practiceprácticas fpl de tiro

    practice teaching o (BrE) teaching practice — prácticas fpl de magisterio

    practice makes perfect — la práctica hace al maestro; (before n) < game> de entrenamiento

    practice session — ( Sport) sesión f de entrenamiento; ( Mus) ensayo m

    2) u
    a) (carrying out, implementing) práctica f

    to put something into practice — llevar algo a la práctica, poner* algo en práctica

    b) ( exercise of profession) ejercicio m
    3) c u (custom, procedure) costumbre f

    it's our practice to take up referencessolemos or acostumbramos pedir referencias

    working practicesmétodos mpl de trabajo

    4) c
    a) ( Med) consultorio m, consulta f
    b) ( Law) bufete m, estudio m jurídico (CS)

    BrE practise transitive verb
    1) ( rehearse) practicar*; \<\<song/act\>\> ensayar
    a) \<\<belief/Christianity\>\> practicar*

    he doesn't practice what he preaches — no hace lo que predica, no predica con el ejemplo

    b) (carry out, perform)
    c) \<\<doctor/lawyer\>\> ejercer*

    he practices lawejerce de or como abogado, ejerce la abogacía

    3) practicing pres p
    a) <doctor/lawyer> en ejercicio (de su profesión)
    b) < Catholic> practicante
    c) < homosexual> activo

    1) (rehearse, train) practicar*
    2) ( professionally) ejercer*
    1. N
    1) (=custom, tradition) costumbref, prácticaf; (=procedure) prácticaf

    ancient pagan practices — las antiguas costumbres {or} prácticas paganas

    unfair trade practicesprácticas fplde comercio desleales

    it is [bad] practice — no es una práctica recomendable

    it is [common] practice among modern companies to hire all their office equipment — entre las empresas modernas es una práctica muy extendida alquilar todo su material y mobiliario de oficina

    it is [good] practice to interview several candidates before choosing one — es una práctica recomendable entrevistar a varios aspirantes antes de decidirse por uno

    to [make] a practice of doing sth — acostumbrar a hacer algo

    it is [normal] {or} [standard] practice for newspapers not to disclose such details — los periódicos tienen por norma no revelar ese tipo de detalles

    this procedure has become standard practice in most hospitals — en la mayoría de los hospitales este procedimiento se ha convertido en norma; business; restrictive; sharp

    2) (=experience, drilling) prácticaf

    I need more practice(=practical experience) necesito más práctica; (=to practise more) necesito practicar más

    to be [out] of practice — (at sport) no estar en forma

    it gets easier [with] practice — resulta más fácil con la práctica

    target 3., teaching 2.
    3) (Sport)(=training session) sesiónfde entrenamiento, entrenamientom
    4) (=rehearsal) ensayom

    [choir] practice — ensayomde coro

    5) (=reality) prácticaf

    [in] practice — en la práctica

    to [put] sth into practice — poner algo en práctica

    6) (=exercise)
    a) [of profession]ejerciciom

    to be [in] practice (as a doctor/lawyer) — ejercer (de médico/abogado)

    to go [into] practice — (Med)empezar a ejercer de médico

    to [set up] in practice — (Med)poner consulta; (Jur)poner bufete

    to set up in practice as a doctor/solicitor — establecerse de {or} como médico/abogado

    b) [of religion]prácticaf
    7) (=premises, firm) (Jur)bufetem; (Med)consultoriom, consultaf; (veterinary, dental) clínicaf

    a new doctor has just joined the practice — acaba de llegar un médico nuevo al consultorio; family; general; group; private

    VI (US) = practise

    practice flightNvuelomde entrenamiento

    practice gameNjuegomde entrenamiento

    practice managerN[of medical practice]director(a)m/fde clínica (médica)

    practice matchNpartidomde entrenamiento

    practice nurseNenfermero(-a)m/fdel consultorio

    practice runN — (Sport)carrerafde entrenamiento

    practice sessionN — (Sport)sesiónfde entrenamiento; (Scol, Mus)ensayom

    * * *
    ['præktəs, 'præktɪs]
    1) u (training, repetition) práctica f

    piano practiceejercicios mpl de piano

    target practiceprácticas fpl de tiro

    practice teaching o (BrE) teaching practice — prácticas fpl de magisterio

    practice makes perfect — la práctica hace al maestro; (before n) < game> de entrenamiento

    practice session — ( Sport) sesión f de entrenamiento; ( Mus) ensayo m

    2) u
    a) (carrying out, implementing) práctica f

    to put something into practice — llevar algo a la práctica, poner* algo en práctica

    b) ( exercise of profession) ejercicio m
    3) c u (custom, procedure) costumbre f

    it's our practice to take up referencessolemos or acostumbramos pedir referencias

    working practicesmétodos mpl de trabajo

    4) c
    a) ( Med) consultorio m, consulta f
    b) ( Law) bufete m, estudio m jurídico (CS)

    BrE practise transitive verb
    1) ( rehearse) practicar*; \<\<song/act\>\> ensayar
    a) \<\<belief/Christianity\>\> practicar*

    he doesn't practice what he preaches — no hace lo que predica, no predica con el ejemplo

    b) (carry out, perform)
    c) \<\<doctor/lawyer\>\> ejercer*

    he practices lawejerce de or como abogado, ejerce la abogacía

    3) practicing pres p
    a) <doctor/lawyer> en ejercicio (de su profesión)
    b) < Catholic> practicante
    c) < homosexual> activo

    1) (rehearse, train) practicar*
    2) ( professionally) ejercer*

    English-spanish dictionary > practice

  • 2 practice

    I noun
    1) (repeated exercise) Praxis, die; Übung, die

    put in or do some/a lot of practice — üben/viel üben

    practice makes perfect(prov.) Übung macht den Meister

    be out of practice, not be in practice — außer Übung sein

    2) (spell) Übungen Pl.

    piano practice — Klavierüben, das

    3) (work or business of doctor, lawyer, etc.) Praxis, die; see also academic.ru/101863/general_practice">general practice
    4) (habitual action) übliche Praxis; Gewohnheit, die

    practice shows that... — die Erfahrung zeigt od. lehrt, dass...

    good practice(sound procedure) gutes Vorgehen

    5) (action) Praxis, die

    in practicein der Praxis; in Wirklichkeit

    put something into practiceetwas in die Praxis umsetzen

    6) (custom) Gewohnheit, die

    regular practice — Brauch, der

    * * *
    1) (the actual doing of something, as opposed to the theory or idea: In theory the plan should work, but in practice there are a lot of difficulties.) die Praxis
    2) (the usual way(s) of doing things; (a) habit or custom: It was his usual practice to rise at 6.00 a.m.) die Gewohnheit
    3) (the repeated performance or exercise of something in order to learn to do it well: She has musical talent, but she needs a lot of practice; Have a quick practice before you start.) die Übung
    4) (a doctor's or lawyer's business: He has a practice in Southampton.) die Praxis
    - be in / out of practice
    - make a practice of
    - put into practice
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (preparation) Übung f
    it will take a lot of \practice ich werde noch viel üben müssen
    I've had plenty of \practice at answering difficult questions ich bin es gewohnt, schwierige Fragen zu beantworten
    to be out of/in \practice aus der/in Übung sein
    2. (training session) [Übungs]stunde f; SPORT Training nt
    choir \practice Chorprobe f
    driving \practice Fahrstunde f
    football/hockey \practice Fußball-/Hockeytraining nt
    3. no pl (actual performance) Praxis f
    in \practice in der Praxis
    to put sth into \practice etw [in die Praxis] umsetzen
    to put a method/theory into \practice eine Methode/Theorie anwenden
    to put a plan into \practice einen Plan verwirklichen [o ausführen
    4. no pl (usual procedure) Praxis f
    code of \practice Verhaltenskodex m
    to be accepted [or normal] [or standard] \practice üblich sein; (to be good/bad practice) ratsam/inakzeptabel sein
    it is very bad \practice to... es zeugt von schlechten Geschäftspraktiken, wenn man...
    5. (regular activity) Praktik f, Gewohnheit f; (custom) Sitte f
    business/working \practices Geschäfts-/Arbeitspraktiken pl
    a cruel \practice eine grausame Sitte
    traditional religious \practices traditionelle religiöse Praktiken
    to make a \practice of sth etw zu einer Gewohnheit werden lassen
    6. (business) Praxis f
    dental/medical/veterinary \practice Zahnarzt-/Arzt-/Tierarztpraxis f
    legal \practice [Rechtsanwalts]kanzlei f
    private \practice [Privat]praxis f
    7. no pl (work) Praktizieren nt
    to go into private \practice eine eigene Praxis aufmachen
    to be in \practice praktizieren
    \practice makes perfect ( prov) Übung macht den Meister! prov
    II. n modifier (game, shot) Probe-; SPORT Trainings-
    a \practice session ein Training
    III. vt AM see practise
    AM prac·tice
    I. vt
    to \practice [doing] sth etw üben; (improve particular skill) an etw dat arbeiten
    to \practice one's backhand die Rückhand trainieren
    to \practice the flute/piano/violin Flöte/Klavier/Geige üben
    to \practice one's German/English Deutsch/Englisch üben
    to \practice a sonata/song eine Sonate/ein Lied proben
    2. (do regularly)
    to \practice sth etw [üblicherweise] machen [o tun], etw praktizieren
    I have started practising meditation ich habe angefangen zu meditieren
    foot-binding is no longer \practiced in China in China ist es nicht mehr üblich, den Mädchen die Füße zu binden
    to \practice austerity ein einfaches Leben führen, bescheiden leben
    to \practice birth control verhüten
    to \practice black magic/sorcery/voodoo schwarze Magie/Zauberei/Voodoozauber betreiben
    to \practice cannibalism Kannibalismus praktizieren
    to \practice celibacy/monogamy/polygamy zölibatär/monogam/polygam leben
    to \practice a custom einen Brauch befolgen
    to \practice deceit [or deception] [gewohnheitsmäßig] betrügen
    to \practice discrimination diskriminieren
    to \practice a religion eine Religion ausüben
    to \practice safe sex sicheren Sex [o Safer Sex] praktizieren
    to \practice thrift sparsam leben
    3. (work in)
    to \practice sth etw praktizieren
    she \practiced medicine for twenty years sie war zwanzig Jahre lang als Ärztin tätig
    to \practice dentistry als Zahnarzt/Zahnärztin praktizieren
    to \practice law als Anwalt/Anwältin praktizieren
    to \practice medicine als Arzt/Ärztin praktizieren, den Arztberuf ausüben
    to \practice what one preaches nach den Grundsätzen leben, die man anderen predigt
    to not \practice what one preaches Wasser predigen und Wein trinken prov
    II. vi
    1. (improve skill) üben; SPORT trainieren
    2. (work in a profession) praktizieren, als etw tätig sein
    he trained as a lawyer but he's no longer practising er ist Anwalt, übt seinen Beruf aber nicht mehr aus
    to \practice as a doctor praktizierender Arzt/praktizierende Ärztin sein
    to \practice as a lawyer praktizierender Anwalt/praktizierende Anwältin sein
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= habit, custom) (of individual) Gewohnheitf, Angewohnheitf; (of group, in country) Brauchm, Sittef; (= bad habit) Unsittef; (in business) Verfahrensweise, Praktikf

    he opposes the practice of pubs being open on Sundays — er ist dagegen, dass Lokale am Sonntag geöffnet sind

    this is normal business practicedas ist im Geschäftsleben so üblich

    to make a practice of doing sth, to make it a practice to do sth — es sich (dat)

    Christian practice dictates... — das christliche Brauchtum verlangt...

    it is the practice of this Court to... — es ist an diesem Gericht üblich, zu...

    that's common practice — das ist allgemeine Praxis, das ist allgemein üblich

    2) (= exercise, training) Übungf; (= rehearsal, trial run) Probef; (SPORT) Trainingnt; (= practice game) Trainingsspielnt

    you should do 10 minutes' practice each daydu solltest täglich 10 Minuten (lang) üben

    to be out of practiceaus der Übung sein

    the first practice session — die erste Übung/Probe/das erste Training

    3) (= doing, as opposed to theory) Praxisf

    to put one's ideas into practiceseine Ideen in die Praxis umsetzen

    4) (of doctor, lawyer etc) Praxisf

    he returned to the practice of law/medicine — er praktizierte wieder als Rechtsanwalt/Arzt

    to go into or set up in practice — eine Praxis aufmachen or eröffnen, sich als Arzt/Rechtsanwalt etc niederlassen

    2. vti (US)
    = practise
    * * *
    practice [ˈpræktıs]
    A s
    1. Brauch m, Gewohnheit f, Praxis f, übliches Verfahren:
    make a practice of sth sich etwas zur Gewohnheit machen;
    don’t make a practice of it lass es nicht zur Gewohnheit werden oder einreißen;
    it is the practice es ist üblich ( to do sth etwas zu tun; for sb to do sth dass jemand etwas tut);
    it is common practice es ist allgemein üblich;
    it is not the usual practice for him to get drunk es ist bei ihm nicht üblich, dass er sich betrinkt; üblicherweise betrinkt er sich nicht
    2. a) Übung f ( auch MIL, MUS):
    practice makes perfect (Sprichwort) Übung macht den Meister;
    be in (out of) practice in (aus) der Übung sein;
    keep in practice in der Übung bleiben
    b) Motorsport etc: Training n
    3. Praxis f (Ggs Theorie):
    in practice in der Praxis;
    put in(to) practice in die Praxis oder Tat umsetzen;
    practice-orient(at)ed praxisorientiert
    4. (Arzt- etc) Praxis f:
    be in practice praktizieren, eine Praxis haben
    5. a) Handlungsweise f, Praktik f
    b) oft pl pej (unsaubere) Praktiken pl, Machenschaften pl, Schliche pl
    6. JUR Verfahren(sregeln) n(pl), formelles Recht
    7. TECH Verfahren n, Technik f:
    welding practice Schweißtechnik
    8. MATH welsche oder italienische Praktik (eine Rechnungsart)
    B adj Übungs…:
    practice alarm Probealarm m;
    practice alert MIL Übungsalarm m;
    practice ammunition Übungsmunition f;
    practice cartridge Exerzierpatrone f;
    practice flight FLUG Übungsflug m;
    practice run AUTO Trainingsfahrt f
    C v/t besonders Br practise [-tıs]
    1. üben, (gewohnheitsmäßig) tun oder (be)treiben:
    practice politeness höflich sein;
    practice what you preach tue selbst, was du predigst
    2. (als Beruf) ausüben, tätig sein als oder in (dat), ein Geschäft etc betreiben:
    practice medicine (law) als Arzt (Anwalt) praktizieren
    3. (ein)üben, sich üben in (dat), MUS etwas (auf einem Instrument) üben:
    practice dancing sich im Tanzen üben;
    practice a piece of music ein Musikstück (ein)üben
    4. jemanden üben, schulen, ausbilden
    5. verüben:
    practice a fraud on sb jemanden arglistig täuschen
    D v/i
    1. handeln, tun, verfahren
    2. praktizieren (as als Arzt, Jurist):
    practicing (bes Br practising) Catholic praktizierender Katholik
    3. (sich) üben:
    practice on the piano (sich auf dem) Klavier üben
    4. practice (up)on
    a) jemanden bearbeiten umg,
    b) jemandes Schwächen etc ausnützen, sich etwas zunutze machen, missbrauchen
    * * *
    I noun
    1) (repeated exercise) Praxis, die; Übung, die

    put in or do some/a lot of practice — üben/viel üben

    practice makes perfect(prov.) Übung macht den Meister

    be out of practice, not be in practice — außer Übung sein

    2) (spell) Übungen Pl.

    piano practice — Klavierüben, das

    3) (work or business of doctor, lawyer, etc.) Praxis, die; see also general practice
    4) (habitual action) übliche Praxis; Gewohnheit, die

    practice shows that... — die Erfahrung zeigt od. lehrt, dass...

    good practice (sound procedure) gutes Vorgehen

    5) (action) Praxis, die

    in practice — in der Praxis; in Wirklichkeit

    6) (custom) Gewohnheit, die

    regular practice — Brauch, der

    * * *
    Gepflogenheit f.
    Gewohnheit f.
    Praxis -en f.
    Routine -n f.
    Übung -en f. (UK) v.
    üben v. (US) v.
    ausüben v.
    betreiben v.
    praktizieren v.
    trainieren v.
    üben v. (medicine) v.
    praktizieren (Arzt) v. v.
    seine Praxis ausüben ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > practice

  • 3 medicine

    1) медицина, терапия
    - practice medicine
    - all means known to medicine
    - new medicine
    - bottle of medicine
    - medicine good for a cold
    - take the medicine every two hours
    - medicine tastes bitter
    - medicine works effect

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > medicine

  • 4 practice

    § პრაქტიკა, ვარჯიშობა
    1 პრაქტიკა
    medical / teaching practice საექიმო / პედაგოგიური პრაქტიკა
    ●●to put a theory into practice თეორიის ცხოვრებაში გატარება
    2 ჩვევა, ჩვეულება
    it was his practice to sit in the park every day ყოველდღე პარკში იჯდა ხოლმე
    ●●corrupt practices მექრთამეობა
    3 ვარჯიში (ივარჯიშებს)
    I must practise my English / shooting ინგლისურში / სროლაში უნდა ვივარჯიშო
    4 მიდევნა (მისდევს), ცხოვრებაში გატარება
    to practice medicine ექიმად მუშაობა / ექიმობა

    English-Georgian dictionary > practice

  • 5 medicine

    1) no pl., no art. (science) Medizin, die
    2) (preparation) Medikament, das; Medizin, die (veralt.)

    give somebody a dose or a taste of his/her own medicine — (fig.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen

    * * *
    1) (a substance, especially a liquid for swallowing, that is used to treat or keep away disease or illness: a dose of medicine.) die Medizin
    2) (the science of curing people who are ill, or making their suffering less (especially by means other than surgery): He is studying medicine.) die Medizin
    - academic.ru/45939/medicinal">medicinal
    - medicinally
    * * *
    [ˈmedsən, AM -dɪsən]
    1. no pl (for illness) Medizin f, Medikamente pl
    to take [one's] \medicine [seine] Medizin einnehmen
    2. (substance) Medikament nt
    cough \medicine Hustenmittel nt
    3. no pl (medical science) Medizin f
    herbal/natural \medicine Kräuter-/Naturheilkunde f
    preventive \medicine Vorsorgemedizin f
    to practise [or AM practice] \medicine den Arztberuf ausüben
    4. ( fig: remedy) Heilmittel nt fig
    to get a dose [or taste] of one's own \medicine es mit gleicher Münze heimgezahlt bekommen
    to take one's \medicine in den sauren Apfel beißen fam
    * * *
    ['medsIn, 'medIsIn]
    1) Arznei f, Medizin f (inf); (= one particular preparation) Medikament nt

    to take one's medicine (lit)seine Arznei einnehmen; (fig) die bittere Pille schlucken, in den sauren Apfel beißen

    now we'll see how you like a taste of your own medicine — jetzt werden wir sehen, wie es dir schmeckt, wenn dir das passiert

    2) (= science) Medizin f
    * * *
    medicine [ˈmedsın; US ˈmedəsən]
    A s
    1. Medizin f, Arznei f (auch fig):
    take one’s medicine
    a) seine Medizin (ein)nehmen,
    b) fig in den sauren Apfel beißen, die (bittere) Pille schlucken (beide umg);
    he was given a taste ( oder dose) of his own medicine fig er bekam es in oder mit gleicher Münze heimgezahlt
    2. a) Heilkunde f, Medizin f, ärztliche Wissenschaft: practice C 2
    b) innere Medizin (Ggs Chirurgie)
    3. obs (Zauber)Trank m
    4. Zauber m, Medizin f (bei den Indianern):
    medicine bag Zauberbeutel m, Talisman m;
    he’s bad medicine US sl dem geht man am besten aus dem Weg;
    it’s big medicine US sl es bedeutet (persönliche) Macht
    B v/t ärztlich behandeln
    m. abk
    1. male männl.
    2. mare
    3. married verh.
    5. medicine Med.
    med. abk
    * * *
    1) no pl., no art. (science) Medizin, die
    2) (preparation) Medikament, das; Medizin, die (veralt.)

    give somebody a dose or a taste of his/her own medicine — (fig.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen

    * * *
    (medication) n.
    Arzneimittel n. n.
    Arznei -en f.
    Medikament n.
    Medizin f.

    English-german dictionary > medicine

  • 6 medicine (practice)

    1. медицина



    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    medicine (practice)
    The science and art of treating and healing. (Source: MGH)





    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > medicine (practice)

  • 7 -practice o practise?-

    Nota d'uso
    Nell'inglese britannico practice è un sostantivo: Practice makes perfect, l'esercizio rende perfetti; a medical practice, studio medico; the difference between what happens in theory and what actually happens in practice, la differenza tra ciò che accade in teoria e in pratica. Il verbo è to practise: to keep on practising the piano, continuare a suonare il piano; to practise medicine, praticare la professione medica; practising Christians, cristiani praticanti. In inglese americano invece, sia verbo che sostantivo si scrivono practice.

    English-Italian dictionary > -practice o practise?-

  • 8 medicine

    English-Georgian dictionary > medicine

  • 9 practice

    Глагол exercise означает 'упражнять, тренировать': to exercise one's intelligence, to exercise patience, to exercise one's will. Practice имеет значение 'упражняться, тренироваться в чем-л.' и 'заниматься': to practice on the piano; to practice medicine; to practice law 'заниматься юриспруденцией, быть юристом'.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > practice

  • 10 Chamberlen (the Elder), Peter

    SUBJECT AREA: Medical technology
    b. c. 1601 London, England
    d. 22 December 1683 Woodham Mortimer, Essex, England
    English obstetrician who was a member of a family of obstetricians of the same name who made use of a secret design of obstetric forceps (probably designed by him).
    Of Huguenot stock, his ancestor William having probably come to England in 1569, he was admitted to Cambridge University in 1615 at the age of 14. He graduated Doctor of Medicine in Padua in 1619, having also spent some time at Heidelberg. In 1628 he was elected a Fellow of the College of Physicians, though with some reservations on account of his dress and conduct; these appear to have had some foundation for he was dismissed from the fellowship for repeated contumacy in 1659. Nonetheless, he was appointed Physician in Ordinary to Charles I in 1660. There are grounds for suspecting that in later years he developed some signs of insanity.
    Chamberlen was engaged extensively in the practice of midwifery, and his reputation and that of the other members of the family, several of whom were also called Peter, was enhanced by their possession of their own pattern of obstetric forceps, hitherto unknown and kept carefully guarded as a family secret. The original instruments were discovered hidden at the family home in Essex in 1815 and have been preserved by the Royal Society of Medicine. Chamberlen appears to have threatened the physicians' obstetric monopoly by attempting to organize mid-wives into a corporate company, to be headed by himself, a move which was successfully opposed by the College of Physicians.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Physician in Ordinary to King Charles I, King Charles II, King James II, Queen Mary and Queen Anne.
    1662, The Accomplished Midwife. The Sober Mans Vindication, discovering the true cause and manner how Dr. Chamberlen came to be reported mad, London.
    Further Reading

    Biographical history of technology > Chamberlen (the Elder), Peter

  • 11 veterinary medicine

    1. ветеринария



    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    veterinary medicine
    The branch of medical practice which treats of the diseases and injuries of animals. (Source: MGH)





    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > veterinary medicine

  • 12 практическая медицина

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > практическая медицина

  • 13 práctica

    1 practical (estudio, formación).
    2 skillful, experienced, expert (person).
    3 practical; handy (tool); convenient (casa).
    1 a skilful pilot.
    2 practice, training.
    3 policy.
    * * *
    1 practice
    2 (habilidad) skill
    1 practical sing
    en la práctica in practice
    llevar a la práctica to put into practice
    * * *
    1. noun f. 2. f., (m. - práctico)
    * * *
    1) [de actividad] practice

    llevar algo a la práctica, poner algo en práctica — to put sth into practice

    2) pl prácticas (=aprendizaje) [gen] practice sing, training sing ; [de profesor] teaching practice sing ; [de laboratorio] experiments

    prácticas profesionales — professional training, practical training ( for a profession)

    * * *
    a) ( en actividad) practice; ( en trabajo) experience
    b) ( profesión) practicing*
    2) ( aplicación) practice

    poner algo en práctica or llevar algo a la práctica — to put something into practice

    3) prácticas femenino plural
    a) (clase, sesión práctica)
    b) ( de maestro) teaching practice
    4) ( costumbre) practice
    * * *
    = practice, observance, practising [practicing, -USA], drill practice, discourse, praxes [praxis, -sing.], run-through.
    Ex. This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.
    Ex. Because of the need to preserve cartographic documents for present and future generations, map librarians are obliged to guarantee strict observance of conservation requirements.
    Ex. The practicing of writing it is deadly dull and therefore has minimum permanent effect.
    Ex. No reinforcement drill practice was given to the control group.
    Ex. The institutional 'traditional student' discourse in the USA is one of fraternity parties and breaking free of parental control.
    Ex. The process of hybridization consists, first of all, of borrowing and lending concepts, methods, theories, and praxes = El proceso de hibridación se compone, en principio, de los conceptos, métodos, teorías y praxis del préstamo.
    Ex. This article will provide a brief run-through of some strategies for giving staff and users what they need and expect.
    * adquirido con la práctica = experiential.
    * aprender con la práctica = learn by + doing.
    * basado en la práctica = empirically-based, grounded in practice, practice-based.
    * beca de prácticas = in-service training.
    * buenas prácticas = best practices.
    * clase de prácticas = practical.
    * código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.
    * colección de prácticas = laboratory collection.
    * comprobación en la práctica real = field test.
    * comprobar en la práctica real = field-test.
    * comunidad de prácticas comunes = community of practice.
    * conservar la práctica de = keep + Posesivo + hands in.
    * cuaderno de prácticas = resource book.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * ejercicio y práctica = drill and practice.
    * encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].
    * en la práctica = in action, in practice, in practical terms, in implementation.
    * en la práctica real = in actual practice.
    * en la puesta en práctica = in implementation.
    * en prácticas = trainee.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * falto de práctica = rusty [rustier -comp., rustiest -sup.].
    * formación de profesorado en prácticas = in-service teacher training.
    * formación en prácticas = in-service.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * libro de prácticas = resource book.
    * llevar a la práctica = practise [practice, -USA], put into + practice, put into + practical effect, carry out, put into + effect.
    * llevar a la práctica una decisión = implement + decision.
    * orientado hacia la práctica = practice-oriented.
    * partiendo de la práctica = practice-led.
    * período de prácticas = work placement, training attachment.
    * período de prácticas en centros = practicum.
    * período de prácticas en la industria = industrial placement.
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.
    * poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.
    * poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.
    * poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.
    * ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.
    * práctica bibliotecaria = library practice.
    * práctica cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * práctica clínica = clinical practice.
    * práctica común = common practice.
    * práctica común, la = normal pattern, the.
    * práctica cotidiana = daily practice.
    * práctica de música = music-making.
    * práctica diaria = daily practice.
    * práctica popular = lore.
    * práctica real = actual practice.
    * práctica religiosa = religious practice.
    * prácticas comerciales = business practices.
    * prácticas de campo = fieldwork [field work].
    * prácticas ilegales = unlawful practices.
    * prácticas más adecuadas = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * práctica social = meme.
    * prácticas sexuales = sexual mores.
    * profesor en prácticas = in-service teacher.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * puesta en práctica = enforcement, execution, implementation, operationalisation [operationalization, -USA].
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * teoría y práctica = policy and practice.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.
    * * *
    a) ( en actividad) practice; ( en trabajo) experience
    b) ( profesión) practicing*
    2) ( aplicación) practice

    poner algo en práctica or llevar algo a la práctica — to put something into practice

    3) prácticas femenino plural
    a) (clase, sesión práctica)
    b) ( de maestro) teaching practice
    4) ( costumbre) practice
    * * *
    = practice, observance, practising [practicing, -USA], drill practice, discourse, praxes [praxis, -sing.], run-through.

    Ex: This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.

    Ex: Because of the need to preserve cartographic documents for present and future generations, map librarians are obliged to guarantee strict observance of conservation requirements.
    Ex: The practicing of writing it is deadly dull and therefore has minimum permanent effect.
    Ex: No reinforcement drill practice was given to the control group.
    Ex: The institutional 'traditional student' discourse in the USA is one of fraternity parties and breaking free of parental control.
    Ex: The process of hybridization consists, first of all, of borrowing and lending concepts, methods, theories, and praxes = El proceso de hibridación se compone, en principio, de los conceptos, métodos, teorías y praxis del préstamo.
    Ex: This article will provide a brief run-through of some strategies for giving staff and users what they need and expect.
    * adquirido con la práctica = experiential.
    * aprender con la práctica = learn by + doing.
    * basado en la práctica = empirically-based, grounded in practice, practice-based.
    * beca de prácticas = in-service training.
    * buenas prácticas = best practices.
    * clase de prácticas = practical.
    * código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.
    * colección de prácticas = laboratory collection.
    * comprobación en la práctica real = field test.
    * comprobar en la práctica real = field-test.
    * comunidad de prácticas comunes = community of practice.
    * conservar la práctica de = keep + Posesivo + hands in.
    * cuaderno de prácticas = resource book.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * ejercicio y práctica = drill and practice.
    * encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].
    * en la práctica = in action, in practice, in practical terms, in implementation.
    * en la práctica real = in actual practice.
    * en la puesta en práctica = in implementation.
    * en prácticas = trainee.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * falto de práctica = rusty [rustier -comp., rustiest -sup.].
    * formación de profesorado en prácticas = in-service teacher training.
    * formación en prácticas = in-service.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * libro de prácticas = resource book.
    * llevar a la práctica = practise [practice, -USA], put into + practice, put into + practical effect, carry out, put into + effect.
    * llevar a la práctica una decisión = implement + decision.
    * orientado hacia la práctica = practice-oriented.
    * partiendo de la práctica = practice-led.
    * período de prácticas = work placement, training attachment.
    * período de prácticas en centros = practicum.
    * período de prácticas en la industria = industrial placement.
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.
    * poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.
    * poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.
    * poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.
    * ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.
    * práctica bibliotecaria = library practice.
    * práctica cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * práctica clínica = clinical practice.
    * práctica común = common practice.
    * práctica común, la = normal pattern, the.
    * práctica cotidiana = daily practice.
    * práctica de música = music-making.
    * práctica diaria = daily practice.
    * práctica popular = lore.
    * práctica real = actual practice.
    * práctica religiosa = religious practice.
    * prácticas comerciales = business practices.
    * prácticas de campo = fieldwork [field work].
    * prácticas ilegales = unlawful practices.
    * prácticas más adecuadas = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * práctica social = meme.
    * prácticas sexuales = sexual mores.
    * profesor en prácticas = in-service teacher.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * puesta en práctica = enforcement, execution, implementation, operationalisation [operationalization, -USA].
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * teoría y práctica = policy and practice.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.

    * * *
    1 (en una actividad) practice; (en un trabajo) experience
    le falta práctica he needs practice
    se aprende con la práctica you learn by practice, it comes with practice
    tiene mucha práctica he's had a lot of practice
    he perdido la práctica I'm out of practice
    necesita ayuda mientras va adquiriendo práctica he needs to be helped while he's gaining experience
    la práctica hace maestro practice makes perfect
    2 (ejercicio) practicing*
    abandonó la práctica del derecho para hacer política she gave up practicing law to go into politics
    es aconsejable la práctica de algún deporte it's advisable to play o do some sport
    B (aplicación) practice
    en la práctica in practice
    poner algo en práctica or llevar algo a la práctica to put sth into practice
    (clase, sesión práctica): prácticas de tiro target practice
    las prácticas de Anatomía the anatomy practicals
    2 (de un maestro) teaching practice
    la escuela donde hice (las) prácticas the school where I did my teaching practice
    hice las prácticas en la clínica de la Paz I did my internship ( AmE) o ( BrE) my houseman year at the la Paz hospital
    contrato en prácticas work-experience contract
    D (costumbre) practice
    son prácticas muy extendidas en esta zona these practices o customs are widespread in this area
    esta operación es hoy una práctica habitual en la medicina this operation is common practice in medicine today
    * * *


    Del verbo practicar: ( conjugate practicar)

    practica es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    practicar ( conjugate practicar) verbo transitivo
    a)idioma/pieza musical› to practice( conjugate practice);

    tenis to play;

    no practica ningún deporte he doesn't play o do any sport(s)
    b) profesión› to practice( conjugate practice)

    2 (frml) (llevar a cabo, realizar) ‹corte/incisión to make;
    autopsia/operación to perform, do;
    redada/actividad to carry out;
    detenciones to make
    verbo intransitivo ( repetir) to practice( conjugate practice);
    ( ejercer) to practice( conjugate practice)
    práctica sustantivo femenino

    ( en trabajo) experience;

    2 ( aplicación) practice;

    poner algo en práctica or llevar algo a la práctica to put sth into practice
    prácticas sustantivo femenino plural (de Anatomía, Química) practicals (pl);

    ( de maestro) teaching practice;

    4 ( costumbre) practice
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (una profesión) to practise, US practice
    2 (una actividad) to play, practise: deberías practicar el tenis más a menudo, you should play tennis more regularly
    3 (una operación, etc) to carry out, do, perform: tuvieron que practicarle una autopsia, they had to perform a post mortem on him
    4 Rel to practise
    II verbo intransitivo to practise: si quieres hablar bien el inglés, debes practicar más, if you want to speak good English, you must practise more ➣ Ver nota en practise
    I adjetivo
    1 (un objeto) handy, useful
    2 (una persona, disciplina) practical
    II m Náut pilot
    práctica sustantivo femenino
    1 (actividad) practice
    2 (aplicación) poner algo en práctica, to put sthg into practice
    3 (costumbre) una práctica habitual, a common practice
    4 (aprendizaje, formación) prácticas, teaching practice
    5 Educ (clases no teóricas) practicals, US labs: por la mañana tiene prácticas de química, in the morning he has chemistry practicals ➣ Ver nota en practise
    ' práctica' also found in these entries:
    - costumbre
    - docencia
    - marcha
    - vela
    - ejercicio
    - equitación
    - instrucción
    - perder
    - practicar
    - code
    - current
    - excel
    - feasible
    - follow up
    - hate
    - implement
    - insider dealing
    - insider trading
    - observance
    - practically
    - practice
    - practise
    - run-through
    - rusty
    - turn
    - convenient
    - malpractice
    - mock
    - practical
    - protection
    - teaching
    * * *
    1. [experiencia] practice;
    te hace falta más práctica you need more practice;
    con la práctica adquirirás más soltura you'll become more fluent with practice;
    2. [ejercicio] practice;
    [de un deporte] playing;
    me han recomendado la práctica de la natación I've been advised to go swimming
    3. [aplicación] practice;
    llevar algo a la práctica, poner algo en práctica to put sth into practice;
    en la práctica in practice
    4. [clase no teórica] practical;
    prácticas [laborales] training;
    contrato en prácticas work-experience contract
    6. [costumbre] practice;
    ser práctica establecida to be standard practice
    * * *
    f practice;
    en la práctica in practice;
    llevar a la práctica, poner en práctica put into practice;
    perder la práctica get out of practice;
    tener práctica en algo have experience in sth;
    prácticas pl work experience sg ;
    hacer prácticas do a work placement
    * * *
    1) : practice, experience
    2) ejercicio: exercising
    la práctica de la medicina: the practice of medicine
    3) aplicación: application, practice
    poner en práctica: to put into practice
    4) prácticas nfpl
    : training
    * * *
    práctica n practice

    Spanish-English dictionary > práctica

  • 14 अवधूननम् _avadhūnanam

    अवधूननम् 1 Shaking, waving; पादस्पर्शस्तु रक्षांसि दुष्कृतीनवधूननम् Ms.3.23; अमन्ददष्टौष्ठकरावधूननम् Ki.8.6.
    -2 The practice of medicine, curing.
    -3 Agitation, trembling.
    -4 Disregarding.
    -5 Trampling on, treading.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अवधूननम् _avadhūnanam

  • 15 practise

    1. transitive verb
    1) (apply) anwenden; praktizieren
    2) (be engaged in) ausüben [Beruf, Tätigkeit, Religion]

    practise medicine — [als Arzt] praktizieren

    3) (exercise oneself in) trainieren in (+ Dat.) [Sportart]

    practise the piano/flute — Klavier/Flöte üben

    2. intransitive verb
    * * *
    1) (to do exercises to improve one's performance in a particular skill etc: She practises the piano every day; You must practise more if you want to enter the competition.) üben
    2) (to make (something) a habit: to practise self-control.) ausüben
    3) (to do or follow (a profession, usually medicine or law): He practises (law) in London.) praktizieren
    - academic.ru/57278/practised">practised
    * * *
    AM prac·tice
    I. vt
    to \practise [doing] sth etw üben; (improve particular skill) an etw dat arbeiten
    to \practise one's backhand die Rückhand trainieren
    to \practise the flute/piano/violin Flöte/Klavier/Geige üben
    to \practise one's German/English Deutsch/Englisch üben
    to \practise a sonata/song eine Sonate/ein Lied proben
    2. (do regularly)
    to \practise sth etw [üblicherweise] machen [o tun], etw praktizieren
    I have started practising meditation ich habe angefangen zu meditieren
    foot-binding is no longer \practised in China in China ist es nicht mehr üblich, den Mädchen die Füße zu binden
    to \practise austerity ein einfaches Leben führen, bescheiden leben
    to \practise birth control verhüten
    to \practise black magic/sorcery/voodoo schwarze Magie/Zauberei/Voodoozauber betreiben
    to \practise cannibalism Kannibalismus praktizieren
    to \practise celibacy/monogamy/polygamy zölibatär/monogam/polygam leben
    to \practise a custom einen Brauch befolgen
    to \practise deceit [or deception] [gewohnheitsmäßig] betrügen
    to \practise discrimination diskriminieren
    to \practise a religion eine Religion ausüben
    to \practise safe sex sicheren Sex [o Safer Sex] praktizieren
    to \practise thrift sparsam leben
    3. (work in)
    to \practise sth etw praktizieren
    she \practised medicine for twenty years sie war zwanzig Jahre lang als Ärztin tätig
    to \practise dentistry als Zahnarzt/Zahnärztin praktizieren
    to \practise law als Anwalt/Anwältin praktizieren
    to \practise medicine als Arzt/Ärztin praktizieren, den Arztberuf ausüben
    to \practise what one preaches nach den Grundsätzen leben, die man anderen predigt
    to not \practise what one preaches Wasser predigen und Wein trinken prov
    II. vi
    1. (improve skill) üben; SPORT trainieren
    2. (work in a profession) praktizieren, als etw tätig sein
    he trained as a lawyer but he's no longer practising er ist Anwalt, übt seinen Beruf aber nicht mehr aus
    to \practise as a doctor praktizierender Arzt/praktizierende Ärztin sein
    to \practise as a lawyer praktizierender Anwalt/praktizierende Anwältin sein
    * * *
    (US) ['prktɪs]
    1. vt
    1) thrift, patience etc üben; self-denial, Christian charity, torture praktizieren

    to practise what one preaches (prov)seine Lehren in die Tat umsetzen

    2) (in order to acquire skill) üben; song, chorus proben

    to practise the violin —

    to practise the high jump/one's golf swing — Hochsprung/seinen Schlag im Golf üben or trainieren

    3) (= follow, exercise) profession, religion ausüben, praktizieren

    to practise law/medicine — als Anwalt/Arzt praktizieren

    all a writer wants is peace to practise his art — alles, was ein Schriftsteller braucht, ist Ruhe, um sich seiner Kunst widmen zu können

    2. vi
    1) (in order to acquire skill) üben
    2) (lawyer, doctor etc) praktizieren
    * * *
    practise besonders Br für practice C, D
    practice [ˈpræktıs]
    A s
    1. Brauch m, Gewohnheit f, Praxis f, übliches Verfahren:
    make a practice of sth sich etwas zur Gewohnheit machen;
    don’t make a practice of it lass es nicht zur Gewohnheit werden oder einreißen;
    it is the practice es ist üblich ( to do sth etwas zu tun; for sb to do sth dass jemand etwas tut);
    it is common practice es ist allgemein üblich;
    it is not the usual practice for him to get drunk es ist bei ihm nicht üblich, dass er sich betrinkt; üblicherweise betrinkt er sich nicht
    2. a) Übung f ( auch MIL, MUS):
    practice makes perfect (Sprichwort) Übung macht den Meister;
    be in (out of) practice in (aus) der Übung sein;
    keep in practice in der Übung bleiben
    b) Motorsport etc: Training n
    3. Praxis f (Ggs Theorie):
    in practice in der Praxis;
    put in(to) practice in die Praxis oder Tat umsetzen;
    practice-orient(at)ed praxisorientiert
    4. (Arzt- etc) Praxis f:
    be in practice praktizieren, eine Praxis haben
    5. a) Handlungsweise f, Praktik f
    b) oft pl pej (unsaubere) Praktiken pl, Machenschaften pl, Schliche pl
    6. JUR Verfahren(sregeln) n(pl), formelles Recht
    7. TECH Verfahren n, Technik f:
    welding practice Schweißtechnik
    8. MATH welsche oder italienische Praktik (eine Rechnungsart)
    B adj Übungs…:
    practice alarm Probealarm m;
    practice alert MIL Übungsalarm m;
    practice ammunition Übungsmunition f;
    practice cartridge Exerzierpatrone f;
    practice flight FLUG Übungsflug m;
    practice run AUTO Trainingsfahrt f
    C v/t besonders Br practise [-tıs]
    1. üben, (gewohnheitsmäßig) tun oder (be)treiben:
    practice politeness höflich sein;
    practice what you preach tue selbst, was du predigst
    2. (als Beruf) ausüben, tätig sein als oder in (dat), ein Geschäft etc betreiben:
    practice medicine (law) als Arzt (Anwalt) praktizieren
    3. (ein)üben, sich üben in (dat), MUS etwas (auf einem Instrument) üben:
    practice dancing sich im Tanzen üben;
    practice a piece of music ein Musikstück (ein)üben
    4. jemanden üben, schulen, ausbilden
    5. verüben:
    practice a fraud on sb jemanden arglistig täuschen
    D v/i
    1. handeln, tun, verfahren
    2. praktizieren (as als Arzt, Jurist):
    practicing (bes Br practising) Catholic praktizierender Katholik
    3. (sich) üben:
    practice on the piano (sich auf dem) Klavier üben
    4. practice (up)on
    a) jemanden bearbeiten umg,
    b) jemandes Schwächen etc ausnützen, sich etwas zunutze machen, missbrauchen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (apply) anwenden; praktizieren
    2) (be engaged in) ausüben [Beruf, Tätigkeit, Religion]

    practise medicine — [als Arzt] praktizieren

    3) (exercise oneself in) trainieren in (+ Dat.) [Sportart]

    practise the piano/flute — Klavier/Flöte üben

    2. intransitive verb
    * * *
    (US) n.
    Gepflogenheit f. (UK) v.
    ausüben v.
    betreiben v.
    praktizieren v.
    trainieren v.

    English-german dictionary > practise

  • 16 pratique

    pratique [pʀatik]
    1. adjective
    practical ; [instrument] handy ; [emploi du temps] convenient
    c'est très pratique, j'habite à côté du bureau it's very convenient, I live next door to the office
    2. feminine noun
       a. ( = application, procédé) practice
       b. ( = expérience) practical experience
       c. ( = exercice, observance) [de règle] observance ; [de médecine] practising ; [de sport] practising
    * * *
    1) ( commode) [appareil, objet] handy, practical; [endroit, itinéraire] convenient; [technique, vêtement, meuble] practical
    2) ( utile) practical
    3) (non théorique, concret) practical
    4) ( pragmatique) practical

    avoir le sens or l'esprit pratique — to be practical


    la pratique des arts martiaux est très répandue — many people practise [BrE] martial arts

    2) ( expérience) practical experience
    4) ( habitude) practice
    * * *
    1. nf
    1) (= application concrète) practice

    dans la pratique; en pratique — in practice

    2) (= expérience) practice

    Je manque de pratique. — I'm out of practice.

    2. adj
    1) (d'utilisation) practical

    Ce sac est très pratique. — This bag's very practical.

    2) (= commode) convenient
    3) (outil) handy, useful
    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( commode) [appareil, objet] handy, practical; [endroit, itinéraire] convenient; [technique, vêtement, meuble] practical; c'est pratique ce tissu, ça ne se repasse pas this material is practical, you don't have to iron it; voir le côté pratique des choses to see the practical side of things;
    2 ( utile) [manuel, renseignement, conseil, moyen] practical;
    3 ( non théorique) [application, exercice, mesure] practical; quelles sont vos connaissances pratiques dans ce domaine? how much practical experience do you have in the field?;
    4 ( concret) [problème, détail, raison] practical; en termes pratiques in practical terms;
    5 ( pragmatique) [personne] practical; avoir le sens or l'esprit pratique to be practical; n'avoir aucun sens or esprit pratique to be totally impractical.
    B nf
    1 ( exercice d'une activité) inciter les jeunes à la pratique d'un sport to encourage young people to play a sport; la pratique des arts martiaux est très répandue many people practiseGB martial arts; la pratique des langues vivantes speaking foreign languages; cela nécessite de longues heures de pratique it takes hours of practice; avoir une bonne pratique de l'anglais to have a good working knowledge of English; la pratique religieuse religious observance;
    2 ( expérience) practical experience; manquer de pratique to lack practical experience; avoir une longue pratique de la médecine to have many years of experience in medicine; avoir la pratique des affaires to have practical business experience;
    3 ( application de principes) practice; la théorie et la pratique theory and practice; mettre qch en pratique to put sth into practice; dans la pratique, en pratique in practice;
    4 ( habitude) practice; une pratique courante/frauduleuse/déloyale a common/fraudulent/disloyal practice; certaines pratiques culturelles/funéraires certain cultural/funerary practices; les pratiques religieuses religious practices.
    [pratik] adjectif
    1. [utile - gadget, outil, voiture, dictionnaire] practical, handy ; [ - vêtement] practical
    quand on a des invités, c'est bien pratique un lave-vaisselle! when you've got guests, a dishwasher comes in handy!
    2. [facile]
    il faut changer de bus trois fois, ce n'est pas pratique! you have to change buses three times, it's very inconvenient!
    3. [concret - application, connaissance, conseil, formation] practical
    4. [pragmatique] practical
    avoir le sens ou l'esprit pratique to have a practical turn of mind, to be practical
    [pratik] nom féminin
    1. [application - d'une philosophie, d'une politique] practice ; [ - de l'autocritique, d'une vertu] exercise ; [ - d'une technique, de la censure] application
    a. [conseils, préceptes] to put into practice
    b. [vertu] to exercise
    en ou dans la pratique in (actual) practice
    2. [d'une activité] practice
    la pratique régulière du tennis/vélo playing tennis/cycling on a regular basis
    3. [expérience] practical experience
    4. [usage] practice
    le marchandage est une pratique courante là-bas over there, it's common practice to barter

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > pratique

  • 17 exercice

    c black exercice [εgzεʀsis]
    masculine noun
       a. ( = travail d'entraînement) exercise
       b. ( = activité physique) l'exercice (physique) (physical) exercise
       c. ( = pratique) [de métier] practice
    être en exercice [médecin] to be in practice ; [juge, fonctionnaire] to be in office
    c black   d. ( = période) year
    Le mot anglais se termine par -se.
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) ( d'entraînement) exercise
    2) ( activité physique) exercise

    dans l'exercice de ses fonctions[soldat, policier] while on duty; [travailleur] while at work

    être en exercice[fonctionnaire] to be in office; [médecin] to be in practice

    en exercice[ministre, président] incumbent

    4) ( usage) exercise (de of)
    5) Armée ( instruction) drill
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    ɛɡzɛʀsis nm
    1) (mise en pratique) practice
    2) (= sport) exercise

    faire de l'exercice — to exercise, to do exercise

    3) MILITAIRE drill
    4) (= tâche, travail) exercise
    5) [métier, fonction] exercise

    en exercice (juge) — in office, (médecin) practising

    6) COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION (= période) accounting period
    * * *
    1 ( d'entraînement) exercise; faire un exercice to do an exercise; exercice de grammaire/pour violon grammar/violin exercise; exercices de rééducation physiotherapy exercises; exercice de prononciation/d'orthographe pronunciation/spelling drill; c'est un exercice de démocratie it's an exercise in democracy; ça ne s'apprend qu'après un long exercice it takes years of practice;
    2 ( activité physique) exercise; faire de l'exercice to get some exercise; se donner de l'exercice to take exercise;
    3 ( activité professionnelle) avoir dix ans d'exercice [fonctionnaire] to have been working for 10 years; [professeur] to have been teaching for 10 years; [médecin, avocat] to have been practisingGB ou in practice for 10 years; poursuivi pour exercice illégal de la médecine prosecuted for practisingGB medicine illegally GB ou without a license US; dans l'exercice de ses fonctions [soldat, policier] while on duty; [travailleur] while at work; on leur interdit l'exercice de toute activité politique/commerciale they are forbidden to participate in any political/business activity; être en exercice [fonctionnaire] to be in office; [médecin] to be in practice; en exercice [ministre, président] incumbent; entrer en exercice to take up one's duties;
    4 ( usage) exercise (de of); renoncer à l'exercice du droit de réponse to give up one's right of reply;
    5 Mil ( instruction) drill; être à l'exercice to be at drill; faire faire l'exercice à des recrues to drill recruits;
    6 Fin ( période) exercice (financier) financial year; exercice en cours current year;
    7 Fisc ( contrôle) tax assessment by an excise officer.
    exercice d'application practical exercise; exercice budgétaire Admin, Compta financial year; exercice comptable Compta financial year; exercice du culte worship; exercice d'évacuation gén emergency evacuation exercise; ( en cas d'incendie) fire drill; exercice de tir shooting practice ¢ GB, target practice ¢; exercices structuraux Ling structure drills.
    [ɛgzɛrsis] nom masculin
    1. [mouvement] exercise
    exercices d'assouplissement/d'échauffement stretching/warm-up exercises
    2. [activité physique]
    faire de l'exercice to take exercise, to exercise
    5. [usage]
    l'exercice du pouvoir/d'un droit exercising power/a right
    à l'exercice locution adverbiale
    en exercice locution adjectivale
    [député, juge] sitting
    [membre de comité] serving
    [avocat, médecin] practising
    être en exercice [diplomate, magistrat] to be in ou to hold office

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > exercice

  • 18 medicina

    medicina alternativa alternative medicine
    medicina forense forensic medicine
    medicina homeopática homeopathic medicine
    medicina interna = branch of medicine which deals with problems of the internal organs, without surgery, internal medicine (United States)
    medicina naturista naturopathy, natural medicine
    medicina preventiva preventive medicine
    medicina social community medicine
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: medicinar.
    * * *
    1 medicine
    estudiante de medicina medical student
    medicina preventiva preventive medicine
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=ciencia) medicine

    medicina general — general medicine, general practice

    medicina legal — forensic medicine, legal medicine

    2) (=medicamento) medicine

    ¿te has tomado ya la medicina? — have you taken your medicine yet?

    * * *
    1) ( ciencia) medicine
    2) ( medicamento) medicine
    * * *
    = medical science, medicine, medical education.
    Ex. 616 does represent the concept disease, or pathology, in class 61 medical sciences.
    Ex. For example, a fairly straightforward document such as 'A medical dictionary of diseases' would be summarized as: medicine/Disease/Dictionary.
    Ex. For instance, in the sample search, both the terms medical education and NURSING EDUCATION might be pertinent.
    * Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Medicina = Medical Library Association (MLA).
    * avance de la medicina = medical advance.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * biblioteca de medicina = medical library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) = National Library of Medicine (NLM).
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * bibliotecario de medicina = medical librarian.
    * biblioteconomía para medicina = medical librarianship.
    * desde el punto de vista de la medicina = medically, medically.
    * despachar medicinas = dispense + medicines.
    * diccionario de medicina = medical dictionary.
    * doctor en medicina = medical doctor.
    * editorial especializada en medicina = medical publisher.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * especialidad de medicina = medical speciality, medical specialty.
    * estudiante de medicina = medical student.
    * experto en medicina = medical expert.
    * facultad de medicina = medical school, university medical school.
    * formación continua en medicina = CME (Continuing Medical Education).
    * frasco de medicina = medicine bottle.
    * índice de medicina = medical index.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * literatura de medicina = medical literature.
    * medicina a distancia = telemedicine.
    * medicina alternativa = alternative medicine.
    * medicina clínica = clinical medicine.
    * medicina comunitaria = community medicine.
    * medicina curativa = curative medicine.
    * medicina de emergencia = emergency medicine.
    * medicina deportiva = sports medicine.
    * medicina espacial = space medicine.
    * medicina forense = forensic medicine.
    * medicina interna = internal medicine.
    * medicina legal = forensic medicine, legal medicine.
    * medicina militar = military medicine.
    * medicina naturalista = herbal medicine.
    * medicina pediátrica = paediatric medicine.
    * medicina preventiva = preventive medicine.
    * medicina transfusionista = transfusion medicine.
    * medicina tropical = tropical medicine.
    * recetar medicinas = prescribe + medicines.
    * relacionado con las medicinas = drug-related.
    * residente de medicina = medical resident.
    * tecnología de la información para medicina = medical informatics.
    * * *
    1) ( ciencia) medicine
    2) ( medicamento) medicine
    * * *
    = medical science, medicine, medical education.

    Ex: 616 does represent the concept disease, or pathology, in class 61 medical sciences.

    Ex: For example, a fairly straightforward document such as 'A medical dictionary of diseases' would be summarized as: medicine/Disease/Dictionary.
    Ex: For instance, in the sample search, both the terms medical education and NURSING EDUCATION might be pertinent.
    * Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Medicina = Medical Library Association (MLA).
    * avance de la medicina = medical advance.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * biblioteca de medicina = medical library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) = National Library of Medicine (NLM).
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * bibliotecario de medicina = medical librarian.
    * biblioteconomía para medicina = medical librarianship.
    * desde el punto de vista de la medicina = medically, medically.
    * despachar medicinas = dispense + medicines.
    * diccionario de medicina = medical dictionary.
    * doctor en medicina = medical doctor.
    * editorial especializada en medicina = medical publisher.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * especialidad de medicina = medical speciality, medical specialty.
    * estudiante de medicina = medical student.
    * experto en medicina = medical expert.
    * facultad de medicina = medical school, university medical school.
    * formación continua en medicina = CME (Continuing Medical Education).
    * frasco de medicina = medicine bottle.
    * índice de medicina = medical index.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * literatura de medicina = medical literature.
    * medicina a distancia = telemedicine.
    * medicina alternativa = alternative medicine.
    * medicina clínica = clinical medicine.
    * medicina comunitaria = community medicine.
    * medicina curativa = curative medicine.
    * medicina de emergencia = emergency medicine.
    * medicina deportiva = sports medicine.
    * medicina espacial = space medicine.
    * medicina forense = forensic medicine.
    * medicina interna = internal medicine.
    * medicina legal = forensic medicine, legal medicine.
    * medicina militar = military medicine.
    * medicina naturalista = herbal medicine.
    * medicina pediátrica = paediatric medicine.
    * medicina preventiva = preventive medicine.
    * medicina transfusionista = transfusion medicine.
    * medicina tropical = tropical medicine.
    * recetar medicinas = prescribe + medicines.
    * relacionado con las medicinas = drug-related.
    * residente de medicina = medical resident.
    * tecnología de la información para medicina = medical informatics.

    * * *
    A (ciencia) medicine
    alternative medicine
    clinical medicine
    forensic medicine
    general medicine
    homeopathy, homeopathic medicine
    internal medicine
    forensic medicine
    preventive medicine
    regenerative medicine
    tropical medicine
    B (medicamento) medicine
    * * *


    medicina sustantivo femenino
    medicina sustantivo femenino medicine
    ' medicina' also found in these entries:
    - ejercer
    - hacer
    - interna
    - interno
    - sobre
    - urgencia
    - alternativo
    - avanzar
    - curandero
    - escuela
    - fuerte
    - ir
    - médico
    - tragar
    - tratar
    - alternative medicine
    - bottle
    - counter
    - effect
    - forensic
    - general practice
    - internal medicine
    - MD
    - medic
    - medical
    - medicine
    - preventive
    - profession
    - prophylactic
    - unsuitable
    - work
    - drug
    - general
    - GP
    - paramedic
    - student
    - study
    * * *
    1. [ciencia] medicine;
    estudiar medicina to study medicine;
    ejercer la medicina to practise medicine
    medicina alternativa alternative medicine;
    medicina deportiva sports medicine;
    medicina forense forensic medicine;
    medicina general general medicine;
    medicina homeopática homeopathic medicine;
    medicina intensiva intensive-care medicine;
    medicina interna = branch of medicine which deals with problems of the internal organs, without surgery, US internal medicine;
    medicina legal legal medicine;
    medicina naturista naturopathy, natural medicine;
    medicina nuclear nuclear medicine;
    medicina ortomolecular orthomolecular medicine;
    medicina preventiva preventive medicine;
    medicina social community medicine;
    medicina tropical tropical medicine;
    medicina veterinaria veterinary medicine
    2. [medicamento] medicine
    * * *
    f medicine
    * * *
    : medicine
    * * *
    medicina n medicine

    Spanish-English dictionary > medicina


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
    1. Abend, S. M. Identity. PMC. Forthcoming.
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    4. Abraham, K. (1916) The first pregenital stage of libido. Selected Papers. London, Hogarth Press, 1948.
    5. Abraham, K. (1917) Ejaculatio praecox. In: selected Papers. New York Basic Books.
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    12. Abrams, S. (1971) The psychoanalytic unconsciousness. In: The Unconscious Today, ed. M. Kanzer. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    13. Abrams, S. (1981) Insight. PSOC, 36.
    14. Abse, D W. (1985) The depressive character In Depressive States and their Treatment, ed. V. Volkan New York: Jason Aronson.
    15. Abse, D. W. (1985) Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders. Bristol: John Wright.
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    18. Akhtar, S. (1984) The syndrome of identity diffusion. Amer. J. Psychiat., 141.
    19. Alexander, F. (1950) Psychosomatic Medicine. New York: Norton.
    20. Allen, D. W. (1974) The Feat- of Looking. Charlottesvill, Va: Univ. Press of Virginia.
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    30. Arlow. J. A. (1953) Masturbation and symptom formation. JAPA, 1.
    31. Arlow. J. A. (1959) The structure of the deja vu experience. JAPA, 7.
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    35. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Fantasy, memory and reality testing. PQ, 38.
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    50. Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970) The Dynamics of Action. New York: Wiley.
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    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 20 ars

    ars, artis, f. [v. arma], skill in joining something, combining, working it, etc., with the advancement of Roman culture, carried entirely beyond the sphere of the common pursuits of life, into that of artistic and scientific action, just as, on the other hand, in mental cultivation, skill is applied to morals, designating character, manner of thinking, so far as it is made known by external actions (syn.: doctrina, sollertia, calliditas, prudentia, virtus, industria, ratio, via, dolus).
    I. A.

    Zeno censet artis proprium esse creare et gignere,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 22, 57:

    quarum (artium) omne opus est in faciendo atque agendo,

    id. Ac. 2, 7, 22; id. Off. 2, 3, 12 sq.—
    With the idea extended, any physical or mental activity, so far as it is practically exhibited; a profession, art ( music, poetry, medicine, etc.); acc. to Roman notions, the arts were either liberales or ingenuae artes, arts of freemen, the liberal arts; or artes illiberales or sordidae, the arts, employments, of slaves or the lower classes.
    In gen.:

    Eleus Hippias gloriatus est nihil esse ullā in arte rerum omnium, quod ipse nesciret: nec solum has artes, quibus liberales doctrinae atque ingenuae continerentur, geometriam, musicam, litterarum cognitionem et poëtarum, atque illa, quae de naturis rerum, quae de hominum moribus, quae de rebus publicis dicerentur, sed anulum, quem haberet, pallium, quo amictus, soccos, quibus indutus esset, se suā manu confecisse,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 32, 127:

    Jam de artificiis et quaestibus, qui liberales habendi, qui sordidi sint, haec fere accepimus. Primum improbantur ii quaestus, qui in odia hominum incurrunt, ut portitorum, ut feneratorum. Illiberales autem et sordidi quaestus mercenariorum omniumque, quorum operae, non artes emuntur: est enim in illis ipsa merces auctoramentum servitutis... Opificesque omnes in sordidā arte versantur... Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia major inest aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, hae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae,

    Cic. Off. 1, 42, 150 sq.; cf. id. Fam. 4, 3:

    artes elegantes,

    id. Fin. 3, 2, 4:


    id. de Or. 1, 3, 9:


    Ov. Tr. 3, 7, 32:


    Cic. Fin. 2, 34, 111:


    id. Or. 1, 4:


    id. de Or. 1, 2, 6:


    id. Fin. 2, 34, 112:

    leviores artes,

    id. Brut. 1, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 2, 6:

    omnis artifex omnis artis,

    Vulg. Apoc. 18, 22:

    artifices omnium artium,

    ib. 1 Par. 22, 15.—
    Esp., of a single art, and,
    With an adj. designating it:

    ars gymnastica,

    gymnastics, Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 73:

    ars duellica,

    the art of war, id. Ep. 3, 4, 14:

    ars imperatoria,

    generalship, Quint. 2, 17, 34:

    (artes) militares et imperatoriae,

    Liv. 25, 9, 12:

    artes civiles,

    politics, Tac. Agr. 29:

    artes urbanae,

    i. e. jurisprudence and eloquence, Liv. 9, 42:

    ars grammatica,

    grammar, Plin. 7, 39, 40, § 128:


    Quint. 2, 17, 4:


    poetry, Ter. Hec. prol. 23:


    music, Plin. 2, 25, 23, § 93:

    medicae artes,

    the healing art, medicine, Ov. H. 5, 145; so,

    ars Apollinea,

    id. Tr. 3, 3, 10:


    Verg. A. 4, 493, and Vulg. Sap. 17, 7; so,

    maleficis artibus inserviebat,

    he used witchcraft, ib. 2 Par. 33, 6 al.—
    With a gen. designating it:

    ars disserendi,

    dialectics, Cic. de Or. 2, 38, 157:

    ars dicendi,

    the art of speaking, id. ib. 1, 23, 107, and Quint. 2, 17, 17; so,

    ars eloquentiae,

    id. 2, 11, 4:

    ars medendi,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 735:

    ars medentium,

    Stat. S. 5, 1, 158:

    medicorum ars,

    Vulg. 1 Par. 16, 12:

    pigmentariorum ars,

    the art of unguents, ib. 2 Par. 16, 4:

    ars armorum,

    the art of war, Quint. 2, 17, 33:

    ars pugnae,

    Vulg. Judith, 5, 27; so in plur.:

    belli artes,

    Liv. 25, 40, 5:

    ars gubernandi,

    navigation, Cic. Div. 1, 14, 24; Quint. 2, 17, 33; so,

    ars gubernatoris,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 13, 42.—Sometimes the kind of art may be distinguished by the connection, so that ars is used absol. of a particular art:

    instruere Atriden num potes arte meā? i. e. arte sagittandi,

    Ov. H. 16, 364:

    tunc ego sim Inachio notior arte Lino, i. e. arte canendi,

    Prop. 3, 4, 8:

    fert ingens a puppe Notus: nunc arte (sc. navigandi) relictā Ingemit,

    Stat. Th. 3, 29; so Luc. 7, 126; Sil. 4, 715:

    imus ad insignes Urbis ab arte (sc. rhetoricā) viros,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 16:

    ejusdem erat artis, i. e. artis scaenofactoriae,

    Vulg. Act. 18, 3.—
    Science, knowledge:

    quis ignorat, ii, qui mathematici vocantur, quantā in obscuritate rerum et quam reconditā in arte et multiplici subtilique versentur,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 10:

    nam si ars ita definitur, ex rebus penitus perspectis planeque cognitis atque ab opinionis arbitrio sejunctis, scientiāque comprehensis, non mihi videtur ars oratoris esse ulla,

    id. ib. 1, 23, 108: nihil est quod ad artem redigi possit, nisi ille prius, qui illa tenet. quorum artem instituere vult, habeat illam scientiam (sc. dialecticam), ut ex iis rebus, quarum ars nondum sit, artem efficere possit, id. ib. 1, 41, 186:

    ars juris civilis,

    id. ib. 1, 42, 190:

    (Antiochus) negabat ullam esse artem, quae ipsa a se proficisceretur. Etenim semper illud extra est, quod arte comprehenditur... Est enim perspicuum nullam artem ipsam in se versari, sed esse aliud artem ipsam, aliud, quod propositum sit arti,

    id. Fin. 5, 6, 16; id. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 9; id. Cael. 30, 72; id. Or. 1, 4:

    vir bonus optimisque artibus eruditus,

    Nep. Att. 12, 4: ingenium docile, come, ap-tum ad artes optimas, id. Dion, 1, 2 al.—
    C. 1.
    The theory of any art or science: ars est praeceptio, quae dat certam viam rationemque faciendi aliquid, Auct. ad Her. 1, 1;

    Asper, p. 1725 P.: non omnia, quaecumque loquimur, mihi videntur ad artem et ad praecepta esse revocanda,

    not every thing is to be traced back to theory and rules, Cic. de Or. 2, 11, 44: res mihi videtur esse facultate ( in practice) praeclara, arte ( in theory) mediocris;

    ars enim earum rerum est, quae sciuntur: oratoris autem omnis actio opinionibus, non scientiā continetur,

    id. ib. 2, 7, 30; id. Ac. 2, 7, 22.—In later Lat. ars is used,
    Absol. for grammatical analysis, grammar:

    curru non, ut quidam putant, pro currui posuit, nec est apocope: sed ratio artis antiquae, etc.,

    Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 156; 1, 95: et hoc est artis, ut (vulgus) masculino utamur, quia omnia Latina nomina in us exeuntia, si neutra fuerint, tertiae sunt declinationis, etc., id. ad eund. ib. 1, 149: secundum artem dicamus honor, arbor, lepor: plerumque poëtae r in s mutant, id. ad eund. ib. 1, 153 al.—Hence also,
    As a title of books in which such theories are discussed, for rhetorical and, at a later period, for grammatical treatises.

    quam multa non solum praecepta in artibus, sed etiam exempla in orationibus bene dicendi reliquerunt!

    Cic. Fin. 4, 3, 5:

    ipsae rhetorum artes, quae sunt totae forenses atque populares,

    id. ib. 3, 1, 4: neque eo dico, quod ejus (Hermagorae) ars mihi mendosissime scripta videatur; nam satis in eā videtur ex antiquis artibus ( from the ancient works on rhetoric) ingeniose et diligenter electas res collocāsse, id. Inv. 1, 6 fin.:

    illi verbis et artibus aluerunt naturae principia, hi autem institutis et legibus,

    id. Rep. 3, 4, 7:

    artem scindens Theodori,

    Juv. 7, 177.—

    in artibus legimus superlativum gradum non nisi genitivo plurali jungi,

    Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 96: ut in artibus lectum est, id. ad eund. ib. 1, 535.—So Ars, as the title of the later Lat. grammars: Donati Ars Grammatica, Cledonii Ars, Marii Victorini Ars, etc.; v. the grammarians in Gothofred., Putsch., Lindem., Keil.—
    The knowledge, art, skill, workmanship, employed in effecting or working upon an object (Fr. adresse):

    majore quādam opus est vel arte vel diligentiā,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 14 fin.:

    et tripodas septem pondere et arte pares,

    Ov. H. 3, 32: qui canit arte, canat;

    qui bibit arte, bibat,

    id. A. A. 2, 506:

    arte laboratae vestes,

    Verg. A. 1, 639:

    plausus tunc arte carebat,

    was void of art, was natural, unaffected, Ov. A. A. 1, 113.—
    (Concr.) The object artistically formed, a work of art:

    clipeum efferri jussit Didymaonis artis,

    Verg. A. 5, 359:

    divite me scilicet artium, Quas aut Parrhasius protulit aut Scopas,

    Hor. C. 4, 8, 5; id. Ep. 1, 6, 17.—
    Artes (personified), the Muses:

    artium chorus,

    Phaedr. 3, prol. 19.—
    Transf. from mind to morals, the moral character of a man, so far as it is made known by actions, conduct, manner of acting, habit, practice, whether good or bad:

    si in te aegrotant artes antiquae tuae,

    your former manner of life, conduct, Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 35; cf. Hor. C. 4, 15, 12; Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 6 Lind.:

    nempe tuā arte viginti minae Pro psaltriā periere,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 24:

    quid est, Quod tibi mea ars efficere hoc possit amplius?

    my assiduity, id. And. 1, 1, 4:

    Hac arte (i. e. constantiā, perseverantiā) Pollux et vagus Hercules Enisus arces attigit igneas,

    Hor. C. 3, 3, 9:

    multae sunt artes (i. e. virtutes) eximiae, hujus administrae comitesque virtutis (sc. imperatoris),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 13; id. Fin. 2, 34, 115; id. Verr. 2, 4, 37 Zumpt:

    nam imperium facile his artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est,

    Sall. C. 2, 4 Kritz; so id. ib. 5, 7:

    cultusque artesque virorum,

    Ov. M. 7, 58:

    mores quoque confer et artes,

    id. R. Am. 713: praeclari facinoris aut artis [p. 167] bonae famam quaerere, Sall. C. 2, 9; so id. ib. 10, 4:

    animus insolens malarum artium,

    id. ib. 3, 4; so Tac. A. 14, 57.—Hence also, absol. in mal. part. as in Gr. technê for cunning, artifice, fraud, stratagem:

    haec arte tractabat virum,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 125 (cf. Ov. H. 17, 142):

    capti eādem arte sunt, quā ceperant Fabios,

    Liv. 2, 51; 3, 35:

    at Cytherea novas artes, nova pectore versat Consilia,

    Verg. A. 1, 657; so id. ib. 7, 477:

    ille dolis instructus et arte Pelasgā,

    id. ib. 2, 152:

    talibus insidiis perjurique arte Sinonis Credita res, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 195:

    fraudes innectere ponto Antiquā parat arte,

    Luc. 4, 449:

    tantum illi vel ingenii vel artis vel fortunae superfuit,

    Suet. Tit. 1:

    fugam arte simulantes,

    Vulg. Jud. 20, 32: regem summis artibus pellexit, pasêi mêchanêi, Suet. Vit. 2.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ars

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